You are here: Services >Ovex procurement and logistic services>Valves
Find listed below the range of valves we offer
Gate Valves
Globe Valves
Check Valves
Butterfly Valves
Cryogenic Valves
Bellow seal Valves
Pipeline ball Valves
Process ball Valves
Valves, stainless steel
Valves, forged steel
Valves, light alloys
Valves, metal, corrosion resistant
Valves, metal, high temperature
Valves, metal, sub-zero temperature
Valves, metal, ball
Valves, metal, rotary
Valves, metal, butterfly
Valves, metal, pressure reducing
Valves, metal, pressure regulating
Valves, metal, mixing
Valves, metal, gate
Valves, metal, globe
Valves, metal, thermostatic
Valves, metal, wafer
Valves, metal, bolt-on bonnet
Valves, metal, screw-in bonnet
Valves, metal, non-rising spindle
Valves, metal, rising spindle
Valves, metal, piston
Valves, metal, bottom outlet
Valves, metal, double seat
Valves, metal, with non-metallic seats and linings
Valves, metal, variable or proportional flow
Valves, metal, two-way
Valves, metal, three or four-way
Valves, metal, multiple-way
Valves, metal, flanged
Valves, metal, ball, delayed action
Valves, metal, flow control
Valves, metal, gate, parallel slide
Valves, metal, gate, wedge
Valves, metal, for low pressure gases
Valves, metal, for high pressure gases
Valves, metal, for low pressure water
Valves, metal, for high pressure water
Valves, metal, for corrosive liquids
Valves, metal, for inflammable liquids
Valves, metal, gear operated
Valves, metal, electronically operated
Valves, metal, for petroleum pipelines
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Unit 1 Dukes Court Business Centre
Wellington Street
Phone: + 44 (0) 843 224 9513